Due to anticipated impact of COVID-19 on PHAs and assisted families over an extended period, HUD considered which flexibilities remain necessary to maintain PHA operations and which could be allowed to lapse. Through this Notice, HUD is extending the period of availability of many of these previously established waivers and alternative requirements.

Through this Notice, HUD is making the new waivers and alternative requirements listed in this Notice effective immediately as of the date of this Notice for those PHAs that elect to adopt them. The waivers and alternative requirements previously established in Notices PIH 2020-05, PIH 2020-13, PIH 2020-20 and PIH 2020-22 remain effective as of the date of publication of those notices

The period of availability for the public housing and HCV waivers is in most cases extended to June 30, 2021. Other waivers have unique dates, such as when the period of availability is dependent on a PHA’s fiscal year end date or based on a specific action or activity. PHAs that adopted waivers/alternative requirements established in Notices PIH 2020-05, PIH 2020- 13, PIH 2020-20, and PIH 2020-22 may continue to operate under those waivers/alternative requirements through the extended availability periods provided in this Notice.

While the Poplar Bluff Housing Authority has adopted the opportunity to utilize the waivers, we are not implementing all of the waivers at this time, we have simply adopted them to allow us to use them if needed.  The waivers can be reviewed in our office located at 302 N. E. Street, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901


Darrin J. Taylor, PHM
Executive Director