Our Board of Commissioners

Darrin J. Taylor

Executive Director

Darrin J. Taylor, Executive Director has 40 years in administration of public housing programs.  Darrin has worked extensively with affordable housing and has a strong track record of advocacy. He is recognized as a national leader and is currently on the Board of Governors of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO).  Taylor has served as the President of the Southwest Regional Council of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, which includes the states of Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.  Taylor is also past president of the Missouri Chapter of NAHRO. Taylor also serves as Treasurer for the Missouri Housing Authority Property and Casualty, Inc. (MHAPCI).


“Creating partnerships of awareness that lead to understanding the need for affordable housing solutions — that’s a worthy goal.” – Darrin J. Taylor, PHM

Poplar Bluff Housing Authority

Board of Commissioners


Each member of the board of commissioners must fulfill his/her fiduciary duties to the organization and the public they serve. Primary legal duties include the duties of care, loyalty and obedience.

The duty of care requires each member be familiar with the organization’s finances and activities and to participate regularly in its governance by attending all Board meetings and participate in discussions and decision-making.

The duty of loyalty requires that a board member must never use information gained through his/her position for personal gain, including tenant-related information and must always act in the best interest of the organization.

The duty of obedience requires individual board members to ensure that the organization complies with applicable laws and regulations, which includes insuring that the organization carries out its purposes and does not engage in unauthorized activities.



Establish goals to assure that the organization’s mission and purpose is being accomplished and ensure that decent, safe, and sanitary housing is provided to the residents.

To assure that every member has a full understanding of his or her role and responsibilities and follows the principles of nonprofit corporation law: duties of care, loyalty and obedience.



The non-profit housing corporation owns the Public Housing development. As Board members, you are responsible in the following manner:

  • Abide by the Missouri State Statutes Chapter 99 – Municipal Housing
    Section 99.010 Designation of law and the By-laws of Poplar Bluff Housing Authority.
  • Be familiar with HUD’s rules and regulations pertaining to the Regulatory Agreement, Annual Contributions Contract and Subsidy Contract. This includes Fair Housing Laws.
  • Be aware of any fiscal, physical, and social needs of the project.
  • Be familiar with the financial resources of the project; approve additional resources when necessary. This includes reviewing and approving the annual budget.
  • Oversee the performance of the Executive Director.
  • Be an effective representative and advocate of the organization to the community.
  • Evaluate the organizational effectiveness.
  • Effective Boards Have a Board composition that includes a variety of skilled and experienced members in the areas of finance, management, public relations, legal, and human resources and in programmatic areas such as social services, education, etc.
  • Establish goals and develop a strategy plan in meeting those goals.
  • Attend regular board meetings.
  • Regularly assess the Executive Director’s performance as well as a self-assessment of the Board’s effectiveness.
  • Have a strategy for recruiting new members.
  • Attend board training and provide copies of the bylaws; articles of incorporation, mission statement, and strategic plan, etc. for all new board members.

PBHA Board of Commissioners

5 Members – 4 Year Terms

Mayor Appointed with City Council Approval (RSMo, Sec. 99.040)


Resolution #

Date Appointed

Term Expiration Date

Mark A. Henson

Donald R. Groves

John Stanard

Lonnie Taylor

Billy Cobb
















Name:                     Mark A. Henson

Resolution #:                1707

Date Appointed:            06/07/10  

Term Expiration:            06/06/22

Name:                      Terry Bishop

Resolution #:                1844

Date Appointed:            06/06/16

Term Expiration:            06/01/20

Name:                    John Stanard

Resolution #:                1755

Date Appointed:            06/04/12                        

Term Expiration:            06/01/20

Name:                      Lonnie Taylor

Resolution #:                1892

Date Appointed:            04/15/19

Term Expiration:            06/01/20

Name:                      Jay Githens

Resolution #:                1650

Date Appointed:            05/21/07         

Term Expiration:            06/03/19

Non-Voting Council Member

Councilwoman Barbara Horton
932 Cherry Street